picture of three people standing in background, two people sitting, and one person close to camera taking the selfie

CM micro-docs published!

I’m excited to announce that we have published the first four micro-documentaries within the research project Community Music in Canada. You can view them all on our YouTube channel Community Music in Canada. Here’s brief overview of the amazing people and projects in these four short documentaries. Nour Kaadan and Tarek Ghriri, the founders of Music from Hope, offer creative music workshops for refugee youth in Toronto and Beirut. The musicians use sound, songwriting, body percussion, and nonviolent communication to encourage interaction between participants. VAMS offers music lessons, recording sessions, and live performance opportunities for disabled musicians in… Read More »CM micro-docs published!


New publication out!

I am part of a five-year opera creation project Reflective Iterative Scenario Reenactments (RISE). I collaborated with Cynthia Kinnunen, a Laurier graduate student and an incredible music educator specializing in ukulele (although good at a lot of things!). Together we incorporated community members into the opera creation process of two projects. Cynthia and I found it really challenging to incorporate participatory music practices into the opera creation processes. In part, we began the project at the height of the pandemic, when no one could gather. Another difficult aspect is that even when gathering became possible, most of the project team… Read More »New publication out!
