This summer, I’ve been working with 3 research assistants to conduct video-based research with leading community musicians in Canada. The project focuses on experienced community-engaged artists who work in culturally complex environments, aiming to understand not only the impact of the work they do, but what competencies they need to do the work well. By competencies, I mean specifically what skills, knowledge, and values do the musicians need within their specific contexts.
We’ve had some amazing experiences working with phenomenal community-engaged artists! So far we’ve visited:
- Kehewin Native Dance Theatre (Rosa John and Melvin John) at Kehewin Cree Nation, Alberta
- Louise Campbell, composer and cultural mediator in Montreal, Quebec
- Allison Girvan, artistic director of Lalin Choir and Fireworks Community Choir in Nelson, BC
- Vancouver Adaptive Music Society in Vancouver, BC
There could be a book written on each of these incredible places and people. We’re not writing a book tho! We are using video as method, creating micr0-documentaries and will share more information on each site. And we are visiting another 4 sites at least over the next three months.
Community Music in Canada is a pilot project exploring music-making for social impact, focusing on artists working within Canada’s colonial and culturally complex contexts. I’ll share more as the project progresses!
The research team in action!
Research team members:
Deanna Yerichuk (principal investigator)
Samantha Tai (Researcher and Technical Director)
Andy Drummond (Research Assistant)
Amelia Basdeo Willie (Research Assistant)